Abnormal Growth Healed

I have gained such spiritual insight and inspiration from reading Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. What I've learned about God and my relationship with Him from this book has been a constant source of peace and comfort. Last spring a particular passage helped spur on a healing.

Since my youth, I'd had a large mole on my back. Then one day last year I had the sudden and startling realization that I didn't need to accept this condition without question. I recognized this inspiration as the working of the Christ—a divine message communicating the possibility of regeneration and healing.

I've learned, from my study of both Christian Science and the Bible, to mentally confront and reject discord—physical or otherwise—as an imposition on my health, rather than as part of my experience. The Apostle Paul admonishes, "Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh," and "Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit" (II Cor. 5:16; Rom. 8:9 ). These concepts challenged me to look beyond physical conditions and perceive my true identity as spiritual.


Healing of Breast Lump